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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Food Addiction Blog
Food Addiction
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Let me know what is on your mind. I believe strength can be found in working for a cause. My continued strength comes from
helping others.
Signs and Symptoms
Binge eating, or eating uncontrollably even when not physically hungry
Eating much more rapidly than normal
Eating alone due to shame and embarrassment
Feelings of guilt due to overeating
Preoccupation with body weight
Depression or mood swings
Awareness that eating patterns are abnormal
Rapid weight gain or sudden onset of obesity
Significantly decreased mobility due to weight gain
History of weight fluctuations
Withdrawal from activities because of embarrassment about weight
History of many different unsuccessful diets
Eating little in public, but maintaining a high body weight
Very low self esteem and feeling need to eat greater and greater amounts.
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