Compulsive eating disorder.
I am also of the same behaviour and will surely be following your blog site.
I have lost, to date, a total of 74 lbs and I can tell you it has been a total dedication to concentration.
I have to always pull myself back and look at the road ahead. I feel a lot better with this weight gone and have
a lot more to go, but with the help of my WW support group and my friends and family - I am succeeding.
It has been a longer road than I originally thought, but understanding the reality of it, and a lot of on going soul
searching, I didn't get here in one week and it won't take one week to reach goal. The goal is change of habits for a healthier life style.
With all this said - it doesn't mean that I don't fall off the wagon at times, but I have been able to get back on track.
Thank you for sharing your experience and the willingness to help others in the same boat.