Starting to get some Traction
Have had two good weeks in a row but not a great day on Easter Sunday. So on Easter, I used one of my 7 "cheat" days that I allow during this 13 week program. Easter was tough. I ate too much of the good foods and also had some jelly beans and a small piece of the most fantastic vanilla cupcake with cream cheese and coconut frosting that I ever tasted. I also had a couple of bites of a bunny cake with butter cream frosting. Other then Easter day, I have been doing fairly well at avoiding the trigger foods. When I avoid the trigger foods, it is easier for me to stay on the program. When I am doing well on the eating program, I feel the results immediately; more energy, sleep better, I'm more relaxed and I feel better about myself.
The results also showed up on the scale. During the three months that I have been struggling, I gained about 5 pounds. Last week, the week ending Easter Sunday morning, I lost 3 of those pounds. I have to be extra careful right now because there is a lot of stress involved in my life. Business is not good and there are some health issues in the family that add to the stress. It has been established that stress is a factor for those with eating difficulties, and I can attest to that. Usually, I am able to counter balance the effects of stress by sticking to my regular exercise routine.
Nevertheless, the bottom line is I feel more in control of my eating now than I have in the past three months. Not totally in control, but making progress and closing in on the struggle. If anyone is having similar issues, please feel free to share with us how you are dealing or not dealing with it.